Public Data required
ESI Scopes: publicData
This is the default scope, it allows us to read your public character information.
Fitting suggested
ESI Scopes: esi-fittings.read_fittings.v1, esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1
Allows reading and writing of ship fittings
Skills suggested
ESI Scopes: esi-skills.read_skills.v1
Allows reading of character skill information
Market suggested
ESI Scopes: esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1
Allows reading of character market information
Killmail suggested
ESI Scopes: esi-killmails.read_corporation_killmails.v1, esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1
Allow us to get your (and your corporation's) killmails, these will be used on EVE Wreckbench and the Abyss Tracker.
Location Tracking optional
ESI Scopes: esi-location.read_location.v1
Allow us to track your location, this is used for the Abyss Tracker to time your time in the abyssal deadspace.
Ship optional
ESI Scopes: esi-location.read_ship_type.v1
Allows reading of character ship information
Structures optional
ESI Scopes: esi-universe.read_structures.v1
Allows reading of structure information through the character
Assets optional
ESI Scopes: esi-assets.read_assets.v1
Allows reading of character assets
You are here since you want to login to EVE Workbench or the Abyss Tracker