Skiff, Tank Skiff
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The Skiff is the best when it comes to Solo High Sec Mining in an Exhumer. We are sporting over 106k ehp or 120k ehp with the hardeners hot. This is far an away the best fit I can recommend with the most tank outside of blinging it heavily.

After some research, CODE gankers have been seen occassionally using Coercers with lasers in ganks as well which target EM heavily and Thermal second. I have updated my fits to be slightly more 'balanced' since some ganks have been shown to have both Coercers & Catalysts now.

This fit is assuming CPU Management V and Mining Upgrades IV.
Be sure to change the lasers/crystals for your what you are doing.
Same with drones, use 5 mediums, 5 lights & 5 mining drones or ECM its up to you.

These prices below are based on Jita prices which we captured at 03/21/2025 04:43:26
Item Quantity Average Price (ISK)
Skiff 1 319.004.761,90
High slots
Modulated Strip Miner II 2 22.149.081,08
Mid slots
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender 2 9.698.774,20
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II 3 10.322.472,96
Low slots
Mining Laser Upgrade II 2 2.560.916,66
Damage Control II 1 666.658,46
Rig slots
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II 2 64.005.454,54
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Uploader Weaselly Eventon
Uploaded 4 years ago
Last changed one year ago
EVE Version Update 18.12 (December 8th, 2020)
Est. price (Jita) 428.408.119,80 ISK
Tags best fithigh secskiffsolotank
Display stats for

0 dps

total dps
Weapons 0 dps
Drones 0 dps
Volley 0 dmg
Resource usage
  used available
CPU icon CPU 438 tf 388 tf
Powergrid icon Powergrid 69 MW 220 MW
Dronebay icon Dronebay 0 m3 100 m3
Dronebandwith icon Dronebandwith 0 mbit/s 50 mbit/s
87.16 k ehp
13.07 k ehp
20.21 k ehp
Total: 120.44k ehp
Lasts for 0m 1s
Icon Capacity 1 GJ
Icon Delta Percentage +-6,615 %
Icon Delta --1,323 GJ/s
Targeting & miscellaneous
 Targets 8
Icon Targeting range 84 km
Icon Drone range 60 km
Icon Scan resolution 550 mm
Icon Sensor strength 16 str
Icon Signature radius 234 m
Icon Speed 138 m/s
Icon Warp Speed 3.5 AU/s
IconAlign time 11.98 s
 Cargo 350 m3
116 EHP/s 0 EHP/s 0 EHP/s 0 EHP/s
Remote repairs Experimental
0 GJ/s 0 HP/s 0 HP/s 0 HP/s