EVE Workbench announces Guides

2020-05-01 - By Lionear Maricadie
EVE Workbench announces Guides


We are very excited to announce our new guides system we developed together with Markee Dragon and HateLesS. We know that there is already a 'nice' site available for many guides under the name of EVE Survival. Its not our intention to replace that website but we think that there should be more available on the guides.

With this in mind we started to develop an entire new system within the EVE Workbench environment to facilitate this and started to work with the Markee Dragon and HateLesS! 

As we are still developing this feature we wanted to share this with all of you and this is what the first version will have:

  • Simple guides system with great details!
  • Upload images on a guide
  • Ability to link fits to a guide [Future version]
  • You will be able to add guide/mission runs (EVE Abyssal style) [Future version]

This will be the view of the guide

More might be added as this is also still subjected to change!

Hope you guys are as hyped as we are :)